The Rise of Life Art

I haven’t written here for a good while.  I think the number one reason for that is that I achieved a long-term goal of becoming a librarian and in starting out I found that the position required a new level of focus and commitment from me in order to do it right.  I am now 6 months in and things have leveled out a bit. I have also been wondering about where life art as a practice would be in the overall stream of events both in my own life and in the overall maturation of the species. 


It is just a little bit downright strange right now.  The life art studies that I have done have been everything to me and have helped me progress in my life like never before.  I am missing myself a little right now to be honest.  I am missing the practice that I had set in my life where I was making podcast episodes, and this blog and Insight Timer talks and guided meditations on my website and video on Instagram.  The job at the library is straight forward in terms of monetary fulfillment and health insurance security and the truth though is that at its core what I do at the library is just like what I do in my life art offerings.  It is all the same.  Love. 


Really though writing right now, I am already right back into where and what I am doing with the life art movement.  Love is at the center of that.  And everything I need I have.  There is a flowing there that I feel in tapping back into these practices and creativity that are rejuvenating and restorative.   

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