The Transformative Power of Life Art

The Transformative Power of Life Art


By Jon Keppel



Transformation has become a big part of my identity and life.  As I have gone over in other writings and offerings that I have made in the world, I went through a severe clinically diagnosed Depression and mental illness.  It was originally something that seemed like a complete breakdown and ending in my life.  But the truth is that is became a breakthrough.  I will say that I feel I said yes to the healing that was done in my life.  That yes is the key.  The healing is natural and will unfold naturally once you welcome it.  But you have to say yes to it first. 


0 to about 28 was all pretty good it seemed.  I had some fun experiences and lived my life like I was in charge and was going to tell life what is what.  From about 28 to 36 I was in a turmoil, a kind of chrysalis.  And then at about 39 or so I was birthed again.  I emerged into the world.  I saw my true self in the light of day as the light of day in my self and soul.  That was so very helpful.  And though my life was not as flashy, I had a peace of mind and centeredness of spirit that was unparalleled up until then. 


I am now 44 and living the life I was always meant to live.  I am right now, right here becoming a published author in my soul and spirit.  I have gone into a professional recording studio and recorded original music.  I have had a solo exhibition of my original artwork at an art gallery.  I have done so many things that were on my bucket list and come into a new way of being that alights and delights in the spirit of now.


I call this life art. 


Join me if you feel the same.

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