A New Time That Always Was and Ever Will Be
I am experiencing a new time in my life right now and as always I share such developments as a way to communicate what it is like going through changes in a personal life to become more of who one truly always already was and is. I am delving into abundance and consciousness raising. I am delving into specific goals for my future that align my inner and outer energies. I am collapsing time through limitless understandings of the pure potential that is me by trusting the vision that comes through me that is bigger than my mind and beyond my limiting beliefs and mental concepts. There is a new energy for me and one that is growing and growing into new energy fields out beyond what I have been able to imagine before. I am stepping into the unknown, into my unknown and it is proving to be more than I could have ever imagined on my own. Own the unknown, that is the saying that comes to mind. I just had that come to me right now. These are the ways in which I let my true self out and open up to all of the possibilities in my life. More than I could ever imagine is possible for me and wants to be realized. I just have to stay open in my consciousness to allow for all of the energy to be expressed and reap the benefits of this miraculous and wonderful energy field that is producing all things, my higher and deepest inner self, my Self. This is the key to my understanding and trusting in that which is helping me and guiding me and bigger than me and also in my best interest and comforting me and caring for me and a reflection of my own Self and an expression of that Self into the world in which I live. It is a new dawn and day for me. It is completely unprecedented. I have never been here before and yet it seems so familiar because I have dreamed about it for so long, but now I am letting it out and letting it in and allowing it to happen rightly and welcoming the changes that need to happen in order to realize this vision that is something out beyond my own imagination. It is worth repeating that this vision is beyond what I visualize. It is coming from the infinite field of potential that generates all. No words have to be used in specificity to bring this energy about. It is not important what you call it. It is important that you call it forth. I am trusting more and more the resources of my life and reflecting THE source in my life and living the principles of my truest being to help me achieve my dreams and aspirations. This is the key to my thriving. This is the key to my waking up to the potential, the true potential of my life.