Hi Everyone. I just feel like chiming in here. I am not sure if anyone is even following along but honestly I just do it anyway in the hope that someone will or will someday. It is good practice for me to continue to emote feelings in this way and context. I started sharing old electronic music of mine in The Art Fire. You should come check it out. The link to get there is at the bottom. I am making it a fan page for myself there as well as a place to showcase my work but also the works of others who want to share. It is a place for life artists and just everyone.
I played my first Instagram Live show and it went really well. Apparently there were some technical difficulties on the play through but the performance itself was really powerful. The playback on my end came through in sync and sounding really good. I was super proud of it in a humble sort of way. Really glad to have all of these guitar and vocal songs to relate to more people. I explore a vast terrain in music from experimental electronic to found sound to pop indie folk, quasi classical and ambient. I am going into a new period it feels like here. I am grateful to have this website and The Art Fire to share work along with other places online like YouTube and Instagram, Medium and so forth. These are all outlets for my creative expression.
I am really hoping to have some march and a music video for whatever guitar and vocal song I record next in the studio. I have to keep to social distancing for now but have a TON of new guitar and vocal material to record and produce into fully fleshed out tracks. Just being able to play the songs with a guitar is liberating though, the control over the finished product is satisfying.
I wish you all well. Continue to stay safe. Be well. Stay connected. Explore. Be free. Be you. Love Jon