Best Energy To You All During This Time As Always
Hi All! I have not updated lately here. Been doing a lot of different stuff. Going deep spiritually. Working on music. I hope you all are safe and well. It is an uncertain time for sure but reverently I say we must stay positive and listen to our hearts to know what to do next. For myself, as I said, I have been utterly transforming with deep spiritual work on myself and my connection to life as I have known it unlocking connections to all kinds of things that I was not fully showing up for and that I want to be showing up for and now am showing up for more and more. I hope you can use this as an opportunity even though it seems like an obstacle. How can we rise, individually and collectively in this moment we are in?
I don’t have a ton to say right now. I just wish everyone well. I have been doing a lot on Instagram if you want to come and check some of that out. A lot of great tools and resources for staying positive and healthy minded during all of this along with music and visual art. Stay safe everyone. We will get through this. This too shall pass. You must believe. Be free. And love if you feel like it. Take care.