Hi Everyone! I am just feeling like putting out a blog post today as I am getting into the thick of creative experience. I know today is like an international holiday. I hope you are having a great day as always. I am still working out what exactly to talk about here on the blog. I think it could really be good to just delve into whatever with updates about my work, life, thought process, things in the community and so forth. I am interested in getting some music shows lined up for spring and summer. I have a good list of about 20 songs here that I would like to share. I am hoping that sharing it here with all of you will make me more apt to follow up on some of what I discuss here. I have aims to do more large format paintings. I made a discovery today that seems to make a nice connection between what I have come to know as formal practice or conventional practice (seated mediation or painting at an easel) and informal or unconventional practice which is just living life essentially as meditation, art or both. I am still going to be talkative about climate change as my studies have shown me that the number one way to help with climate change is to talk about it. Awareness seems so key in all facets of life. I have some talks coming up or rather lively discussions set for the first Sunday of every month at Rubber City Prints. It will be full on discussion about art as life (which includes conventional practice). Went grocerying today and had a really pleasant time. Also did my 45 minute body scan meditation with Jon Kabat Zinn. Hope you all are well.