Hi Everyone! I am just sorting through this whole thing called life. Just made some spaghetti with red sauce. Think I am finally going to get some T-shirts made for me, my art, my music. Not yet sure on all of the details on how to go about that but we shall see. I have begun playing older music that is still very viable. It is transformative to connect the deep past, the recent past, the present and what is yet to come. I am going to get my business cards updated as well which I always hope has a kind of alchemical affect to it that brings my full spectrum of feelings and wishes to stand tall. I think I would like to really make this and my Instagram along with my newsletter the home base for me. I want to connect with people more and am learning bit by bit ever so slowly but meaningfully how to do this right. I am looking at getting an audio interface and nice pair of headphones for recording songs of mine which I then hope to have mastered by a third party. I hope very much to be able to sell my records and tickets to shows along with visual art, writings and more. Check back often for blog updates, make sure you are signed up for the newsletter and come check out what’s going on on Instagram. Excited to go much further with the music now. While keeping art as the craft of life in play and making some more large format paintings. Looking to show older stuff in conventional contexts.