
Updates here are getting more and more interesting. I am happy to say that I am getting acclimated to my graduate school experience while I am studying library and information science. The field stretches, as I am learning, into librarianship, curatorship, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions including the arts. I am working somewhere in between all of these categories. I think I would like to start working at a library and then possibly for an institution of my own creation that looks at knowledge, awareness and art as catalytic and transformative elements in life with a mission statement that says art can be the craft of life.

If you are not already, please come and join my newsletter through the link on this site. I very much enjoy collaboration and learning with others. I have recently redone the website here to reflect the philosophy that I am dealing with that says how art can be life. I came up with a term Life Art as a way of describing it. That term may be in use somewhere in the world but I have not seen it yet.

My ideas and vision regarding all of this, the website, the Instagram feed, the blog, the YouTube channel and so forth are in flux but they are united by this sense that art can be life and that life can be art. I am thinking about writing a book that will be all about this progression of art merging with life over the history of art with particular attention paid to the last hundred years. The book will also tell of practical actions and practices that can be taken to live this understanding for a full and abundant life.

I am working on some longer form posts that may make it to Medium or a talk I give locally of some kind. Not sure yet. I think writing this all down is going to be the best though, to get the whole story of my own with the story of the philosophical idea as it is in development and the power to help folks in the present and future. It is essentially a new story and shares a lot with mindfulness but goes further. It shares with manifesting, visualization and maybe even a kind of secular prayer. As I have said before we can paint with reality now. That is what Life Art is all about. I am inspired by Alan Kaprow forming Happenings and doing research into the merging of life and art. I am going to start collecting all of the instances from throughout art history with attention paid to the last hundred years as a way of laying out the story of this development.

I am so grateful for these blog posts. They really are my salvation in a way. And right now I am just writing from the heart about the projects I am involved with and the ideas that I am working with. It is starting to get interesting now after what is turning into years of research, practice and thinking in regards this burgeoning field or lifestyle of art as life. I still love saying it, Life Art. I think there is a ton of potential.

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