Come With Me (A Journey of the Intuition)
Photo by Avantgarde Concept on Unsplash
I feel like everything I write is practical in a sense because it addresses the spiritual in the mundane. It looks at as it crafts a vision of how to relate to oneself, each other and the universe at large. I feel like that is my strength and gift in this season of my life and that is where the bulk of my inspiration leads me.
In addition to that though I want to talk a little about what to actually do. The fact is, you already in so many ways know what to do with your life of course. It is your life after all. We each just kind of know and the rest, well we pick it up as we go but even then we probably sort of knew it before anyway.
I think that is where some of these practices might be beneficial to share. The practices are simple and straightforward but I thought they might help you all to hear from me as a pleasant and sincere offering of what it is my life has been consisting of day to day.
I exercise. I do roughly twenty minutes of cardio and about an hour and a half of strength training. I also get adequate rest nearly always. I sleep on average between 8 or 9 hours a night. I meditate. I do roughly ten to fifteen minutes a day of a quiet sitting meditational practice that I then revisit as best I can to integrate throughout my day. I eat a vegetarian/vegan diet. I write and read throughout my week. Currently, I work a day job but I am working to just be writing full time and maybe giving occasional talks along with supplying guided meditations and contextual podcasts.
All of this I must reiterate is art for me. I come from a background of the avant-garde in contemporary art and some modern stretching back into the beginning of the last century. Everything stays in play, technology, politics, social aspects, culture, science and so forth. It is just that instead of procuring exhibitions which I still and probably will always value, I live out my art and share it in person, through books, and on social media.
I basically just wanted to do something new. To create a new paradigm for how art would be made as far into the future as the 22nd century. I am thinking 22nd century but I am operating of course now. So be it. The magic is there. All good art is ahead of its time. And these themes are nothing really new I just have not seen anyone putting it into a comprehensive package that describes actual actions to take to live our lives as art rather than one-off performances or happenings (both of which mind you are precursors to this realization).
I feel strongly about revisiting this core of art that is in my being. This drive to always be an artist no matter what life sends my way as not a stubbornness but rather an acceptance of myself at a deep, fundamental and core level. In some sense I think, I believe that I would like to help alter the public perception of what an artist is or how we generally think about artists. I think that the time of ego and manifestos seems to be behind us and I am not alone in this assertion. Prominent art world members are expressing as much.
I find a project like Platasso to be very inspiring and near and dear to my heart. There is such a sincere and beautiful blending of not only life itself with art or the real world with the art world as founder Laura Curwood describes it but it is also a conversation being had that runs through all of the actions of life as art as well. The lines are blurring so much that they are seeping into one another and blending, merging and forming a new consciousness I feel. This is not new age but in a way, it is new art. Cliches and monikers be damned this is something interesting. I am being propelled by an inner fire to help make this conception see the light of day and night not only because I feel it has the power to change the world but of course because it has the power to change us. The two, in the end, might likely be one in the same. May you truly know that the art spark, art flame, and the art fire is truly with you always. I am happy that we can come to banish our fear of fire that has always been associated with hell for example and come to know the generative, primal beauty of it instead. That which lights the world is in us. We light the world just as much as any star. As much as we are stardust, Stardust is us as well. The part is in the whole and the whole in the part. Have faith in yourself and come to know now, at this moment and going forward that you are Creation, you are the universe and that I believe that it is okay to pray even if you do not believe in God. God believes in us, always. It is only our perception that can have us believing otherwise. Of course the idea that creation believes anything is a kind of personification but what if spirit and matter can actually believe. I know that is sort of a kind of fantastical and even at first a kind of crazy notion but give it a chance. The Universe, in the end, is for us. Afterall, the Universe invited us to this party whether on purpose or by accident. It happened.
I did not always think this was the case but as time goes on I feel more and more connected to a power bigger than myself that I am humbled to be a part of rather than the master of. As others have said let your life be the masterpiece. There is beauty in what is true. Peer into that chamber of secrets and make it come to life! Bring light to the darkness and reveal the magic you hold within. Be safe. Care as much as you love and for God's sake take the trash out. Peace The Art Flame is with you. Burn bright.