We Are Genius

Photo by The Phope on Unsplash

Photo by The Phope on Unsplash

We have genius within us.  I know this is true.  But what does that really mean?  How does that become relevant in our lives?  I think there is something in the notion of manifesting that brings us out of our shell and into the world around us.  We become infused with what it is we are doing

I am an artist.  Instead of painting or sculpting, I manifest.  I rediscovered this word recently while searching through the work of Wayne Dyer.  He has a work called Manifest Your Destiny and it just truly resonates with all that I have been looking into with my own inquiry regarding art being the craft of life.  I feel as though manifesting is a new artistic practice, new to me in any event.  I have to do more research about whether it has been used in the arts as art before or not.  

To say that I manifest is to say that reality itself is the canvas.  I paint with reality.  Manifesting is a way of co-creating the stuff of my life as it unfolds and emerges.  I participate in the crafting of what my life looks like, tastes like, feels like and so on.  Also, I am involved in the cultivation of my character and my person.  As Dyer says, we have to stay mindful that spirit and matter, the intangible and tangible are connected.  They are two sides of one coin. He uses the example of a peak and trough of a wave.  

How does this become art you might ask?  Manifesting is a logical and intuitive next step in the evolution of contemporary art as it has developed in the Western canon over the past century.  Connecting art and life has been a project of many over that period of time, so much that I believe art has seen itself into the world at large and transcended the art world that had developed as a kind of incubator for its spirit.  

We have a chance now to be in the painting ourselves, every day.  We are constantly sculpting our lives with the choices we make, the extent to which we listen and learn from others, the world around us and our self-knowledge.  Being able to craft our lives is an art.  It is my belief that this type of art is at the very core of our being.  Thinking about ourselves as artists and artwork simultaneously is a wonderful way to begin the journey or rather to continue it.  See with your inner eye the next step.  In fact, help to create that next step that you will take.  Sometimes the next step is the step itself!

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