I am free

I am so very grateful for this blog.  I look forward to reading it back one day if I can.  It has been with me through all of this, and I really am grateful for it. 


There is so much to do.  I am experiencing copious amount of Love and possibility.  At the time of this writing I have not formally started a business.  The art is everything to me in its form of life art which is really myself awakening to the c/Creation itself in and as and through and by and from me. 


I have just release something I called a Welcome Week for introducing people to life art.  It stands true even so many years in that in large part I do this myself now.  Will it ever have a sea change and have me interacting with a bunch of people who have clearly identified with the life art way of speaking and acting in the world?  I’m not sure. 


I’m not sure that it even matters.  Whatever this is, is so for real that I am beside myself with gratitude for it in my life.  I am so stoked to have all of the outlets that I have to share including as many of you know the blog, the website, the social network, the podcast, social media streams, word of mouth, Medium, the newsletter and just the internal existential energetic transmission that come from me and to me as this work.  Wow!  Simply, wow!


And there is so much to do.  And there is so much to this work.  I always sort of feel like I am on the cusp of a revelation that is going to change everything for me in a good way, for the work, for the movement.  It all seems related somehow.  I set up a Facebook Group page for The Life Art Movement as well. 


What would I really do if a ton of people chimed in and wrote about being completely in line with these teachings?  I would be excited and happy and fulfilled.  I already am that also just to be clear.  Just knowing oneself is all you really need.  But to see it manifest in the world through people’s hearts is something that I feel the work calls for and will manifest. 


I have been doing a lot of learning about different teachings dealing with energetics and going to a six or seven figure business.  I am working on a one figure business right now and maybe as a goal a five-figure business.  To do any of that.  To have the confidence and the belief and the know how to make waves in your own way is such a beautiful thing.  I am very inline here with the energies that made me who I am today and that made me from before the start.  There is something so vast that is trying to be formed here in the world as my life.  It is making me super happy and also contributing extraordinarily to the meaning of life here on Earth for not only myself but countless others who will tune into this collective energetic message. 


I am so blessed and grateful to be able to write today.  There is something magical and alchemical to writing these posts, but I never do them in a way that takes advantage of the process.  I genuinely feel called to write today here in this format.  My work has taken me back to writing in this blog and being among the healing waters of my own work.  I am listening to some really, really good electronic music again.  Music that is on par with the very best and I am so grateful to have it in my life.  IDM and braindance or ambient techno is my absolute favorite and home listening to my astral soul.  I value the opportunity to hear other people’s music.  I never take the connectivity of the internet for granted. 


So what else is for me now?  I recently applied for a job that I did not get.  It is no problem at all.  So much is coming through me in these transmissions.  I continue to be called to teach life art and share it.  And as I commune with and connect with my aesthetic self I realize there is vast potential there as well.  The mental illness has been purged and I can enjoy the clear, clean, pure transmission of aesthetic delight again in my soul.  I do have really good taste.  But it doesn’t all come down to taste.  Taste is an element of a much broader, vaster knowing, even as an art knowing that intertwines with life itself and all the folks who make work. 


I am feeling how art is an action of the community again but also with a sense of taste.  I am grateful for taste.  I am grateful for my own understanding.  It is sacred to me. 

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