Blog December 2024

It has been a certain amount of time since I have written in this blog.  I have started going through the blog itself, reading through it as the documentation of this journey I have been going on and process I have been going through.  I know with all that I am that life art as a contemporary existential modality is THE gift I am meant to be sharing.  I actually am it in my soul and am but a grain of sand in its truth, a sparkle, a shimmer. 


I am grateful for everything that has transpired in my life.  In the past year I moved from being a PSA II Floater at my library where I work to a librarian.  I really am fully now a librarian.  It is an awesome understanding and transition to go through.  And all the while the life art modality has been serving.  It is all an expression of the life art understanding.  And also, I continue to learn from countless sources online, in texts and in person about the world, the nature of life and the nature of ourselves as human being.  I do specific inquiries into my very own nature and learn a great deal from doing that while also learning about what is universal within us all that binds us and brings us seemingly together when in fact, we are all already always one. 


It is a generative practice writing these blogs when I really allow myself to have fun and enjoy the process not writing for any other reason other than the enrichment that it provides my development as a person.  Knowing this and sticking with it is why and how this blog is so successful.  At this time, I know of next to no one who has read this blog.  I believe someday many people may read it.  Or perhaps just a few who are intended to read it.  In any event it is in the making of this blog that a lot of magic is created and shared in and as my life.  And when I say magic, I mean the good, natural, purposeful, Loving, Isness that we all are.


I have to see where it all goes from here.  I have now fully become a librarian which was the life goal I had set for myself about five years ago.  I did it!  I did it with a lot of help from many, many others AND I did it!  I went the distance!  It matters to say this.  I have been caught up or rather perhaps better stated, focused on being a librarian and honoring that opportunity with much if not close to all that I am in order to do it right and be who it is the work calls for. 


I believe I have changed a great deal in this time.  I am learning more and more about service while simultaneously reaching a point with my own internal guidance system that knows I am in control of my life and my impact on the world.  I know with all that I am that I am a leader of a teaching that paradoxically is everything and also one thing among many other teachings and ways of being that are the proverbial windows and doorways, passages and portals, bridges, boats and ladders to the Love that is All. 


At some points I have had to let go of formulating more of the teaching in order to do the work, day in day out of being a librarian.  The energy that takes is immense and is dynamic and full reaching. 


There is more that I have to do.  Because there is more to who I am.  The teaching really needs to come through now.  The teaching of life art, the principles of life art.  That is the core.  That is the movement.  This is the energy that I am and need to go forward with.  I see that I can be this teacher for the world in a capacity that is far out beyond simply what I do at a library.  I feel needing to get back into creating this blog on a regular basis and creating podcast episodes on a regular basis.  It is for the work itself that I do this.  The work is me.    

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