This matters
I know with all that I am that this work will see the light of day and shine bright for all to learn from and grow through. There is a magic in this work that is real. I put a social media post out today asking folks if they know of anyone out there who is living their life as art 24/7. I have been doing this consciously for about four to five years. And in an innate way before that. I just do not know of anyone out there doing this, thinking like this, believing in it like this. There probably are loads of people out there who would align with this sentiment but perhaps have not unlocked the psychology of it in themselves yet. They may not realize that this is possible for us all to varying extents. This life art stuff is Art with a capital “A” and art with a small “a”. It is both. I am grateful that I have only a few images that illustrate my involvement with the library so as not to have been distracting to my role and work there. Most of how I have told about this experience is in the written word. I just feel like it had to be that way but really I think moving forward I could have a more engaged way of relating the experience and bringing the artfulness of it all together for people to see and witness in various contexts meaning at some shows like at a gallery but also on social media and my profiles online that share both the art and library work that I do as one. Basically, I have been working as a library worker in the real actual world as actual lived everyday deeds taking place including my own just the natural unfoldment of life in the name and spirit of life art lived and practiced. That is the art or rather an art of our times. This is a revelation. This is the blooming of what started last century in art taking full bloom now through the self-help movement and mindfulness movement. I repeat myself many times in the writings, but it is because all of this is happening organically. I am discovering it more and more as I share more and more. More is revealed as I share it in real time and in reflecting on it including in a post like this. I do think it will be of historical significance to study this blog and witness how this work that is bigger than me revealed itself through the limited paradigm of thoughts and ideas and the written word along with images and videos and the many, many outlets that are possible through the internet during the time of my life. The less I think about this all the better. It just comes from a place of presence and isness in my being rather than overthinking it and trying to make it perfect and edited cleanly. I really think this all is tapping into something infinite that is a quality of human existence and is pointed to through the term life art which should now be a term in the English lexicon and also the name of a burgeoning movement. I feel like the writing of this is some sort of alchemical transaction that is starting and sparking the flames of a bigger divine fire of positivity and hope that will unfold in this work done eventually by countless people all around the globe as more and more people wake up to and have the change in their brain go through that everything can be art and copious amounts of benefits in the quality and capacity of life can be revealed and enacted once this true belief comes through and places everything in a light of art to a person who is innately art-minded. That is the key. An art-minded individual is given the deepest most core go ahead to unlock a positive psychology that will know the world as art and thus allow that person to thrive in all ways. As I have said in my writings, art was everything to me, now everything is art. This matters.