Flying the nest or maybe even giving the nest wings
Alternate Title: What Is Happening Right Now in Fall 2021, One of the Arts of Our Time, Life Art, Brought Forth Humbly in One ease by Jon Keppel, It is the Mindset Work and Personhood Development to go along with the technological advancements and getting ready to go further into outer space, flying the nest
I haven’t done a blog post in a while. I have been reflecting on what to do next. I am about 3 or 4 years into this study and practice and dissemination of life art. I see now that life art can lead one to more and better life art or simply art or simply limitless living. It is a bridge and one can live in that in between is so desired. It is not incomplete. It is whole in and of itself.
I hope to just continue publishing books somehow during the course of my life for others to read and learn what they can from as time goes forward. At the time of this writing in September od 2021 I have written my first book The Art Flame, my second book Life Art (which is as of the time of this writing unpublished) and have started in on my third book with a working title of Living. I have brought the blog to a closure or first closure of sorts by book ending the first 3 or 4 years here. I am in the process of printing all of those out for records and getting into a situation where I can publish those as a book in addition to the traditionally formatted books thus mentioned. I find it difficult in my life to get some of my work out into the world in a fully fleshed out format. The TEDx talk worked well because the talk was independently video tapes by professionals.
That said I continue to learn how to better and better do social media posts that are vivid and engaging and relevant and trailblazing. I continue to learn how to do the best videos as an amateur and try and lift my production game to another level to serve the quality of the ideas and practices that are shared there. With terrible dry eye that I have been experiencing I have skipped doing videos for the time being as I blink quite often and feel it can be distracting.
I am realizing that in addition to a businessperson and a librarian I would like to start a university program for life art that would then spawn several other programs where perhaps a life art course was at every major university eventually. This is like Derek Rydall’s metaphor of an acorn (an idea, a person) creating a tree, a mighty oak (a body of work, a life) which then yields tenfold the amount of acorns and then creates forests out of that and more with the shelter, shade and so forth given. When I say business person I mean that as a person who does a professional style You Tube channel of talks and informative content, talks out in public, a professional level podcast, a coaching practice, books written and published, book talks, talks on related themes, perhaps TED talks if possible or at least involved with the TED community, guided meditations, conventional art and music and social media posts and activity that channel out all of this productivity into the world on a regular basis not to mention all of the day to day activities that are held within the idea and practice of life art (grocerying, organizing, day jobs, recreation, socializing and so forth).
At the time of this writing it has been years since I traveled in earnest. I have been all throughout Europe and the United States. I have a keen interest to go beyond that as well but with my severe mental illness for most of my 30’s I was mot in a position to be traveling. I am grateful for a more than full recovery having been rocketed out way beyond where I was before the mental illness set in and want to help that community of people dealing with mental illness and mental health and wellbeing as much as I can from my own experience and gifts as a person.
There is so much I want to do as a person. I would like one day to become a philanthropist. I have the humble goal of attaining some sort of mastery of life while of course not by the slightest bit have mastery over the whole of it but perhaps just the whole of my own experience of it to the best of my abilities and gifts.
I am at the time of this writing doing all of these things.I am looking at Mighty Networks, Thinkific and my website as places to do courses and programs on life art and how it leads to more and better further life art, art and limitless living. I am doing my podcast semiregularly still using the intuitive stream of consciousness method of production.The same that I do with these blogs for I feel they capture what it is like to be in the midst of this project that I have undertaken.I want all of my writings to be like memoirs from that particular period in my life as a testament to what it was like to be in the middle of it all given what we all know now in the collective conscious.I am still working on the concept and practice of P2P which stands for present to present where one works to align one’s own present with the known present of the world through science and spiritual or consciousness studies.There is more to say but I find this exhaustive and will take a break now.