Life, Art, All

I feel like chiming into the blog today, which to me is kind of like a wishing well.  I do hope that one day people read this, but I know that for the time being very few are reading the thoughts I share here.  I at least have begun collecting all the blog writings as a collection to publish as a book someday.  I am having fluxing ideas about what to do next with my lifework.  I am not sure as to whether or not to try and pour more energy into work done at the library where I work or putting more effort into work I have been doing about life art.  The irony or paradox about it is that the library work is life art, but I do not have as much immediate control over how and when things happen in that context.  I have to check myself and make sure that I am not just adding to an echo chamber with my blog posts and other work that I do for life art like creating guided meditations, social media posts and other writings.  I still have my second book that I titled Life Art on the back burner.


I miss that immediate feeling of being in line with my lifework at a level that is granted something that I have to fit in in addition to a day job but also something that brings me immense joy and satisfaction.  Just making it is just about enough for me.  I don’t need accolades.  I know it is good in my heart.  That is why I am doing it.  So the one is really the same and the other, whether I am doing more at the library or writing about life art in my so-called free time I am really in both cases enacting my true potential and living the life of my dreams, truly.  So there it is.  I can do both as one.  I can both live more fully into my life at the library but never give up the work I do on my own, in my own way, for myself, as myself, by myself for the betterment of my entire being.         

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