Love Yourself First and Foremost as The Universe
I feel like updating the blog here. There is so much to share. I just posted the two newest videos on life art that are on Vimeo, The Art Fire, Linked In and here on the website. I am working on doing more writing on life art. I have been thinking about expanding the three part series that I did for Medium titled A Proposition for Life Art into a book. Or I might just continue writing essays and then compile them into a book for a more open and free approach.
If you are reading this, I want to thank you for following along here with updates. This place has been a way for me to share information about what is going on in my life and work and really kind of work with the positive alchemical power of words to help formulate and bring into being that which you most want rightly.
I am listening to the TED Fellows playlist as I write this and it is inspiring me. I am not a fellow but I explored applying this year. I find that TED is a good way to keep to what is developing in the global community which is important in this day and age. We are one world after all I feel.
I watched a new documentary about Albert Einstein where he was described as a revolutionary. In it they talk about how his study of Spinoza where God is in everything described as pantheism was what brought him to want to develop a theory of everything in physics. I have not read much Spinoza and do not off the top of my head ascribe to pantheism, but I understand that drive to find a union with all things. I feel like I am doing that in my study of life art being the seedbed from which conventional art is developed.
I do think like Einstein that we have to promote peace. The work that I do is intended to be beyond me, bigger than me, species-relevant work that can be built upon like I have built with what I have learned from people that have lived before me. I feel like my work in the arts and now the world in general is like science where I, like scientists, work within a field of understanding because of their love for knowledge and imagination to make discoveries that are relevant to all humanity.
I continue to try and test myself and continually check in with myself to make sure I am doing my true calling work and that ego is not messing it all up. Staying true to childhood dreams and also ones that have developed along the way. I am living my truest life and like Tolle am praying for acceleration that I may realize these dreams sometime in my 40’s or 50’s if possible to live with my dreams and see a positive impact from their realization in the world during my lifetime.
I continue to do my music. I just need to go into a studio and record my newest song which will probably be a song I wrote called Your Dreams which speaks to how we have to keep our dreams alive. They will save us if we just let them, our dreams that is. I feel ever grateful that you have taken the time to read this and I hope it has inspired in you the will and wish to do your own life right and truly fulfill all you want in life.