Hi Everyone, please do let me know that you are all out there when you get the chance. I would love to hear from you. Comment in the blog here, “like” what I am doing on Instagram or just email me. I am going to try and really chime in here on the blog now on a pretty regular basis just as a way of getting in touch with you all. I very much appreciate your support as I venture further into art as life and all of the wonderful conventional practice there is to do as well.
I went and had my guitar looked at today because there were some problems with the battery however now everything seems to be working fine so I hope to be able to play live at Uncorked this Tuesday if I can get all of the new songs together that I have. They are fresh out the oven right now.
I have started doing a practice of 45 minutes a day of meditation up from my 3 to 30 minute practice previously. I am doing the body scan by Jon Kabat Zinn while reading his book Full Catastrophe Living. Has anyone read that one? Anyone into mindfulness?
I got some cool new blue pants that I wore to Gretchen Pleuss’s album release show. That was a great event.
Looking at maybe doing another large format painting (48 x60in) and eventually having a show in a space that can handle that size. I am always talking about work, meaning art work and music and writing and so forth. I am trying to learn from the many good resources that I have at my disposal to learn about sharing a bit of what is going on in my life through my blog not only work all the time. That is hard for me because it is like, I have to always be creating things. However, my mindfulness studies are helping me just learn to be more. So on that note, let’s see, what’s going on. I got to check out the Cleveland Institute of Music’s orchestra. That was beyond words good. I also recently paid a visit to the Cleveland Museum of Art and saw some conventional artwork. Reading tons as always. Right now I am into about four books. I am reading TED talks by Chris Anderson (paraphrasing the title there), Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari, Genesis by Edward O. Wilson and as I mentioned Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat Zinn. Also have the magazine Breathe about mindful living and a new-to-me magazine called The New Philosopher (perhaps a paraphrase there). Ai Wei Wei is a contributor to the philosophy magazine.
Hope you all are doing well.