Curiosity Might Have Just Given The Cat Another Life!


My goal with this post is to help other people.  Sometimes that is a goal of mine.  Other times I write for self-discovery and the writing offers a reference for others rather than direct correspondence.  

Nevertheless, with this post, I want to do something that solves a problem for you.  I want to deliberately take time out of my energy flow to do something for others in this way.  I think it is important that we do this.  Not all the time necessarily because addressing one’s own needs is just as important.  But here and there on a regular basis can do just the trick.

So here is what I wish for you.  If you are reading my work then I have determined that you are probably a curious person who believes that either they are an artist or that they have the capacity to be an artist.  That determination comes from my experience as an artist living and growing in the art world along with my TEDx experience which serves the curious.  

If I am right, then let’s join the two together in a way hopefully you have never done before or that will be a new version of a golden oldie.  Let me ask you what are you the most curious about right now in art?

Wow!  That is a loaded question if you have been following my writings but let’s go with it.  What are you the most curious about right now in art?  Of course, as you know I believe that art is the craft of life so we are literally talking about everything under the sun and beyond here.  Or if you prefer you can think in terms of painting and sculpture and so forth.  Regardless of what it is, make sure to keep it ultimately respectful, reverent and edifying.  

I offer this to you to have some fun.  Put on some music that you love and go search around online for some information on whatever came to mind.  Narrow it down to just one thing.  Whatever came into your mind and was the strongest.  Just follow that for a short while and see what comes of it.  If it is something substantial, great!  If not, so be it and let it go.  

I appreciate your interest in my output right now through writing.  I really must find more ways to engage directly.  I think of live events in person and online where I would be able to engage with the audience more.  I am working on that.  In the meantime though writing is coming to my aid.  I am grateful.  Appreciative and inspired.  May you be as well.  Thank you for reading.

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