Directly Love the Transformation and Care
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
Art transforms quickly. It always has. Well, slowly and quickly, just like everything else. I think something has transformed in me to an extent that I am a different person than I was when I was younger. And I was into art when I was younger so I think that my conceptions of what art is has changed in that time. It feels deep to write that just now. I know it has not been easy for me to say this and certainly not easy to have it happen.
I think the truth is, we have to be willing to let go of it all, truly all of it. What might seem like a sturdy, embedded way of doing things can truly change at deep fundamental levels once we see another way, whether by choice or circumstance or both.
I feel that in my writing I am finding a voice. I notice patterns in my sentences that resonate in a certain way and they seem to issue forth a kind of tone and approach. In a way that can be likened to a style so to speak in the visual arts but I think ultimately behind it all, including music as well, there is a person that is connected to all that we do.
I question in this way, how relevant is the action of taking up a studio practice these days? What do we really get from exhibiting? I still feel very strongly that we need exchange over exhibition. More and more exchange.
I can feel my writing changing pace in line with the blog format. Fewer sentences in paragraphs. More straightforward language. Directness. Clarity in a way.
And that I see in this pursuit of art as the craft of life. I have said it many times now and I will say it again because it is so dear and important. We are truly illuminated by this cause. We are brought to life in this conception as the artists that we are. There is no doubt in my mind that we can accomplish truly great things as we come to know ourselves and accept ourselves and learn to let go of all of the pain and hatred that has been thrown around in the past.
You may say, “Why is this art, Jon?”
“What does this have to do with art?”
To you I would say, “Everything.”
We have to come to know ourselves in this life and awake to the present as the full person that we are, to connect, to unite, to complete the flow even though it is paradoxically boundless, endless.
What is the truth of it all?
Make your art your life and your life your art.