Will It Ever Truly End If It Never Truly Began? Freewill transcends the illusion.

I read something recently in a scientific vein that said there may not have ever been a big bang.  And that is just essentially mind blowing.  We take for granted these ideas and notions that we have about the world as being true and immutable when in fact we are operating under impressions that we have of how things have revealed themselves to us SO FAR.  It makes me think of another article that I read about an interstellar celestial body that arrived in our solar system from another solar system, the first of its kind to be observed, though something that had stood in theory.  It interests me, the power of theory.  Think of the theory of relativity for God's sake.  Theory has the ability to uproot not only our experience but our very nature in that it illuminates and reveals parts of us and the universe together as one as being heretofore unknown and yet ever present.  It is also such that so many things change.  Once there were dinosaurs.  There is an awesome, imaginatory quality to that.  It boggles the mind, or it should at least.  The breadth of the ages that have spanned this planet so far.  Ones that could yet still come.  Here we sit in a mere sliver or speck.  A spark perhaps in the eons, sheer eons that have unfolded, are unfolding now, and may yet unfold.  Not only on this planet but out into the expanse of all reality, out into the infinitude, theoretically of the cosmos, that itself may be ever changing, limitless and amorphous.  You can call this a stream of consciousness.  Blend here.  Get lit.  Stoke the fire or burn deeper as you already are among the fine flames of consciousness and good natured desire. The power of a question is immense.  We may wonder.  We may say, what am I?  I am this, now and later I may be this.  This is the process, the adventure of life, unpacking the details and the connections and the grand mystery of it all as it reveals itself in the minute, the banal and the truly awesome. We are in the middle of something that defies explanation, truly.  Everyday you wake up you can remind yourself you are on a planet hurtling through space in the vicinity of something called a star.  What that means to you only YOU will know.  But wow, it is truly something out of your wildest dreams, a miracle unto itself and it is happening right now..and now...and now...and...

Jon Keppel